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What is Your True Calling™?

I'm Nathan!

I'm a nationally recognized expert in Strengths + Talent Identification and a Master Coach who believes you've got to build your dreams from the inside out. 

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Calling…schmalling.  We are in the midst of our worst economy since the Great Depression, unemployment is still over 9% in most areas and gas prices are approaching $4 per gallon…and someone has the gall to ask me what my True Calling™ is?  I don’t have time for that fluff!

Well, make time.  Discovering and fulfilling your True Calling™ is key to thriving, not just surviving (a job will do that), in the New Economy and unfortunately, True Calling™ is a way of life that is not widespread.

What should be a standard staple of the worlds most advanced and wealthy society is almost nonexistent.  Individuals engaged in their True Calling™ are nearly as scarce as the gold watch for 40 years of service.

However, we idolize True Callers™ in Hollywood, on TV and on the cover of most magazines.  We read about them on the annual billionaire list and we see them working…no…playing until they die.  They don’t even want to retire. What’s up with that?

Over 80% of our population, it could be 90% since data on this subject is hard to qualify, have jobs.  Yes, just jobs.  Webster’s dictionary defines a job as a task.  Yes…a task. That doesn’t sound very exciting does it?

Most people (almost all) therefore spend the bulk of their waking hours in a task (job), and cannot wait to get out of it.  In doing so they spend a great deal of time, energy and money planning the escape from “their job” into something called retirement.

Wow, that sounds like a great way to spend this one beautiful precious life we have to live here on planet earth.  Spend the first half of our life getting a job, then spend the last half planning how to get out of it.  Just for a moment let’s say you took a much needed break from your job and you asked one simple question…what is True Calling™? It is the same question that Oprah asked on the cover of her November 2010 O Magazine.

Since you may be on a short break let me be succinct.  True Calling™ is the highest and best use of your primary passions, strengths and experiences all gift wrapped in the lifestyle of your dreams. Yes, I said dreams…not plans, not strategies…but dreams…that which you dream about and want more than anything else. 

You may be thinking right now that this is a pipe dream and there is no way that “you” could discover or much less fulfill “your” True Calling™.  Well, I have news for you…you can and millions have.  If you believe you can, you can and will.  If you believe you can’t, you can’t and won’t.

I not only believe it, I am living proof that it works, exists and that it can change your life.  I am living my True Calling™, and My True Calling™ is helping others find theirs .  Ironic isn’t it?

In my next blog I will delve deeper into the personal cost each of us (and those around us) pays by not discovering and fulfilling our True Calling™.

Your True Calling™….anything else is just a job.


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