Here is Michael Carters’ True Calling™ Success Story:
Nathan and I first met when I began working on my master’s degree at the University of Denver. He spoke at the New Student Orientation and posed the question, “are you chasing money or are you chasing what you are passionate about?” This question changed the course of my professional life. At the time, I was pursuing an MBA in telecommunications and technology. In 1999, things were exploding in this sector, and it seemed like the logical path to take.
After Nathan finished his talk, I was compelled to go introduce myself. He spoke about his time working in Switzerland, and I simply wanted to talk to him about that experience. After racing in Europe and competing in three Tours Of Switzerland as a pro-cyclist, I had decided that Switzerland would be a place I’d love to live and work. Nathan and I hit it off immediately. He began asking me questions about my passions, and he woke me up to the reality that, while pursuing my MBA might be a step in the right direction, telecommunications was not where I belonged.
Nathan and I met regularly after this initial meeting. As a result of his guidance and advice, I aimed for the professional sports industry. While pursuing my MBA (I was hired away with two quarters to go) I got a job with T.E.A.M. Marketing in Switzerland, working in the “Champions League,” the highest level of professional soccer in the world. I was only there for a year, but during this time, Nathan continued to help me refine my path even more, encouraging me to pursue a job in cycling to truly maximize my talents and passions. My time in Switzerland equipped me to come back to the United States and start my own coaching company and a cycling touring company with the same standard as what I learned and gathered from T.E.A.M. Marketing. One of the many things I learned from Nathan during this time is that you take the setbacks, learn from them, and become a stronger, more successful person. When you follow your passions, success truly follows and so does the income.
Nathan continues to help me reach my maximum potential. In 2011, I traveled 140 days out of the year working for a pro-cycling team. It took me away from my family as well as the coaching side of things, which is something I really enjoy. I listened to Nathan’s advice, and am now working for a Canadian pro-cycling team this year, which allows me to travel less and coach more.
Before I met Nathan, I never believed my passions would be profitable. I was guilty of chasing money and I realize now how miserable I would have been had I pursued the path of telecommunications and technology. Nathan rescued me from a career that would have brought me very little joy. I’ve had a successful coaching company for twelve years now; I love what I’m doing and I can’t thank Nathan enough.
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