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I'm a nationally recognized expert in Strengths + Talent Identification and a Master Coach who believes you've got to build your dreams from the inside out. 

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I just received the news from the Stacey Stern Show that her interview with me on March 15th did so well VoiceAmerica has decided to rerun it on July 5th.

This is exciting in so many ways.  Stacey’s audience is growing rapidly and she is not just a special human being and talented talk show host – she is also an alumnus of True Calling™.

You can listen to her live out her True Calling every Tuesday at . She will be featured on an upcoming post on my website under “Alumni Success Stories” in the near future as well.

Stacey’s interview was also my first internet radio talk show interview.   We discussed many relevant topics.  First and foremost was Calling vs. Job and the world of difference between the two.

The majority of people in this country have jobs, not callings, and quite frankly our career counseling system(s) at the middle school, high school, college and post educational levels are based on foundations created to acquire jobs, not callings.

In this economy, many people are relieved to just have a job regardless what it is and many people do not have a job and need one desperately.  I understand this and yet I will be the first to say…regardless of your situation if you want to get out of the job spin cycle then discover and fulfill your true calling as nothing else will stop the spin cycle in the short or long term.

You will not be the first to discover your True Calling as thousands of people quietly rejoice in their true callings daily.  You see them loudly rejoicing on magazine covers and in the media however that is just the tip of the True Calling iceberg.  The majority of the True Calling community will never broadcast to you  but that does not mean they are not making their influence and calling felt.

When you connect and ignite your primary passion(s) and strengths, incorporate energy driving experiences, and wrap it all up in a lifestyle that fits you and your dreams – you have an incredibly energizing, fulfilling and competitive lifelong quest that is just a blast to fulfill.

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