Nathan Teegarden wants to start a national conversation on the dramatic gap between what people do best – and their job description. What most people see as a given he sees as a starting point for massive and necessary change.
Nathan is a Master Coach and Founder of True Calling™. After 16 years in the corporate world Nathan found his True Calling™ as a coach and consultant focused on maximizing individual potential. Now, 14 years later he has helped thousands of clients nationally and internationally, to discover and fulfill their TrueCalling™. His expertise is helping students and adults bring their well hidden genius to life.
He is an industry leader, speaker and nationally recognized expert in Strengths and Talent Identification. He has redefined the industry by providing the first guaranteed True Calling™ program with his signature Holistic Program, and he has one of the most active and loyal Alumni Network programs in the industry.
Nathan’s goal is to provide the necessary tools, resources and education to help people choose their life’s work based upon their primary strengths and passions with a focus on their highest energy generators; which in turn will accomplish his secondary goal which is to significantly lower illnesses such as addiction and abuse which are associated with high stress related work dissatisfaction.
Nathan has a degree in Business from Colorado State University and a host of Professional Certifications. He is married and the proud father of 3 children. His company True Calling™, with its parent company Dynimus, is headquartered in Denver, Colorado where he can be found jogging, reading and playing an enthusiastic and highly handicapped game of golf.